A sound squeaks through the thin slice of open window in my bedroom offering a faint impression that spring is just around the corner with the robins chirping their excitement and enthusiasm as they build their nests in the night lamps on the garages and front stoops or in the spring wreaths decorating the front doors, or even in small nooks in the courtyard, all the while the doves are checking out available real estate, and then a cold snap visits and we wonder what season we really are in and that this crack in the open window somehow feels more like winter is still here and the birds all take this in stride not stopping their homemaking because they must somehow, innately, know that eventually the warmth and budding of spring really is coming so their preparedness is inspiring to this human on the other side of that open window wondering, wondering and then, too, being inspired to rake the last leaves of fall to make room for the new greenery peeking out from the sleeping bushes calling me to action so its fresh spring blossoms can arrive and the squirrels scamper to now find some of their forgotten nuts but all this happening hopefully not to soon as winter has not yet been declared “gone” and the bugle has not yet sounded that spring has officially arrived so the jackets will hang in the closet awhile longer waiting with the rest of us for the full awakening of nature’s renewal.
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